Michael A. Portal

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Philosophy at Texas A&M University, book review editor for Arendt Studies, and former Fulbright scholar who studied in Antwerp, Belgium (2022-2023). 

Also, I enjoy continental philosophy and pastrami on rye. 

You can reach me at michaelportal@tamu.edu


I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Philosophy under the direction of Drs. Daniel Conway and Claire Katz.

I completed my M.A. in History at Texas A&M University (2023) under the direction of Dr. Cynthia Bouton.

I completed my M.A. in French Studies at the American College of the Mediterranean (2018) under the direction of Dr. Michel Lantelme.

I completed my B.A. in Philosophy and Policy Studies at Rice University (2017). My Senior thesis was prepared under the direction of Dr. Steven Crowell.

You can find my CV here.


My research interests include: 

My dissertation concerns the relationship between ethics and suffering in the work of Emmanuel Levinas and Maurice Blanchot. You can follow my work on PhilPeople